Photography By: Madison Bamert Photography

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I will start by saying "Yes, I was home". Now and days I can't turn my back for two seconds and Rylan has found something new to play in. This morning he was being particularly good. He was going from toy to toy, playing and laughing. As you all know, when it gets quite you know they are up to something. Well lets just say he got real quite while Mommy was doing the dishes. I titled this blog stranded because the next time someone has to use the restroom at our house they may be stranded and in need of some toilet paper. The pictures pretty much explain our little man's surprise when Mommy caught him.

Rylan never seizes to make Mommy laugh. By the way I left all the toilet paper where it was so when Daddy got home he could see Rylan's masterpiece!

1 comment:

  1. When we visit I will be sure to check to make sure that I won't be "stranded". Too cute Kayla!
