One of my dear friends Leslie asked if I would make her a Christmas frame for her girls. Leslie and I met while our husbands were in med school together at UTMB. She has the cutest little girls, Isabella and Madeline. I of course said yes. This was the first frame that I have gotten to do a frame specifically for a holiday. The colors were easy; red, green, and white. This was a fun frame and I hope to make more like it.
She wanted it to fit an 8x10 pictures, and include both of the girls names. This a look at the entire frame.
I included a few Christmas embellishments, but mainly stuck with ribbon and paper as the main design.
Leslie, I hope you like the frame. I can't wait to see the final product, those beautiful girls in the middle of this frame.
Thank you Kayla the frame is beautiful and Ill send you an email with the final product, love you guys!!