This is the second year in a row that Nana and Papaw have taken all the grandbabies on The Polar Express. Last year Reesey was less than a month old and cousin Arden hadn't made her debut into this world yet. This year we had four active Purdy babies. Rylan has been watching the movie and wanting us to read him the book almost everyday. So we knew that this would be fun for him this year.
Before we got on the train Rylan happily took a picture with the conductor. He was so excited and talked about him like he was a Rock Star!
Here are our babes in their PJ's ready to ride.
A family photo of us.
Rylan was so protective over his Polar Express Ticket.
Here are Nana and Papaw and all four of their babies. You may notice how hard it is to get one of all four grandbabies looking.
Ry loved the hot chocolate, and making a mustache with the whip cream was even more fun.
That babies enjoying their train ride.
Rylan and Sophia looking out the window for Santa.
This was Rylan's face when he first saw that Santa got on the train. He actually talked to him this year, he told him what he wanted, and ever so sweetly greeted him with a "Merry Christmas!"
Here is his excitement, and him telling Santa he would like to get Buzz Hands this year.
Seeing the excitement and joy that Rylan got this year was so thrilling and emotional for us parents. Seeing CHRISTmas through a child's eye is magical. I pray that you and your family are enjoying this season of Christs birthday.