Photography By: Madison Bamert Photography

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


     I will start by informing all of you why we were in Granbury. It is that time in Tyson's professional life that he is now seeking out a place to go after residency. He only has a year of residency left, and we are beginning to think about the next step. We are starting to look at different small towns where Tyson can work doing what he loves, and also where we can begin to set some roots.  We are set up to interview in a few different towns (I will let you know about them later), but this last weekend was Great Granbury!
     The hospital CEO in Granbury contacted Tyson and asked if he had a weekend free to come interview. We knew nothing of the town, so after their conversation Tyson and I got on the Internet and began researching this little town. It has a population of 7,000 (with a large surrounding area), a lake in the town (Tyson loves the idea of that), a drive in theater, a beautiful town square, a sandy beach, and a need for family physicians. Once we began researching and asking everyone we knew, we soon realized that we needed to make time to go check out Granbury, TX.
     Nana said that she would love to meet us there, see the town, and help with Mr. Rylan. It was so sweet of you, Cindy, to come and watch Rylan for us, experience the town, and provide some guidance. If you hadn't have come, I wouldn't have been able to see anything with Tyson. THANK YOU! We met Nana there Thursday evening. Friday morning Tyson attended interviews and tours all morning. At 11:00 I met up with him and we went and had lunch with some of the nurses, office staff, and other physicians. This allowed Nana and Rylan to have their time together. After lunch we met with a realtor who showed us some beautiful property on and off the lake. By the time we were done it was time for dinner with more the of the staff, physicians, office coordinator, and CFO of the hospital. We had a fabulous meal with wonderful people. At the end of the day we were exhausted (Nana probably was too), but seeing this great town and the opportunity for a possible job for Tyson was well worth it.
     Saturday morning we got up and watched the beautiful sunrise from the boardwalk outside our hotel. We looked at ducks, enjoyed the beauty and peace, and had our morning coffee/milk.

More of Granbury, Tx and pictures to come.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Take Me Out To The Ball Game!

     We have been planning on going to a San Antonio Missions game. The Missions are the minor league baseball team here in San Antonio. We have heard that it is a great family night and really cheap also. Well, both of those are criteria for the Purdy family. So two weekends ago we were finally able to go. We were a little nervous, considering that the game started at 7:00 and Rylan's bedtime is at 8:15. Well, have no fear, because our boy was AWESOME!
     We sat in the most expensive seats ($10 whole dollars), and they were located right behind home plate. I didn't want any balls flying near my baby, but thankfully our seats ended up being right behind a huge net, so our seats were perfect. There were foul balls hit into the stands the entire game. One lady actually got hit by a foul ball and she wasn't watching, so it hit her really hard in the head. As awful as the situation was, I thought that I was about to finally see my man in action. He went over to the where the lady was and shared that he was a Doctor. He fortunately was not needed, but she was taken to a hospital.
     There was a lot of entertainment the entire game. There were mascots, music, and little games played between each inning. Rylan was entertained the entire game by all the ballpark excitement and the children around us, whom he made friends with. After the game they had a fireworks show. It was a fantastic display and Rylan loved watching them. We finally got in the car to go home at 10:30 and Rylan slept all the way home. Even though we were thrown off our night time routine (which you sometimes have to do) we had a great family night out. We look forward to going again soon!

Rylan playing with a ball that a little boy shared with him.
The mascots entertaining us!
Our family photo, notice Mommy's hair, what a mess.
Just trying to capture the hit with my camera. I just love playing with my new camera.

The fireworks display at the end!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The "Shoe"

Happy 4th of July! This was our little firecracker enjoying Nana & Papaw's.

We went to Muleshoe for the 4th and we had a great time, once we got there. Let me explain.....
Being the scheduled parents that we are, we tried very hard to plan our flights around bed and naps for Rylan. Well, we got a taste of "go with the flow" from Southwest, which is what we did. We were scheduled to fly out of Dallas at 8:15 pm, well we finally boarded the plane at 11:30. When we got on board I told Tys now watch our luggage not make it (something I would later regret). We finally arrived in Lubbock at 1:00 a.m. (with our 1 year old in tow) and Nana waiting on us. Thank you Cindy for being so patient with us. Especially after we went to pick up our bags and Rylan's carseat was nowhere to be found. Well we had to take an extra of a really sad excuse of a carseat that Southwest gave us. They did make it up to us by bringing ours all the way to Muleshoe the next day.
I must say that Rylan was so good, so good, so good! He never ceases to amaze us with how well he can "go with the flow". In the Dallas airport he made friends who entertained him the entire time we waited. These two kiddos did a great job and were so kind and sweet with him. He stayed awake the whole time, which is really good considering bedtime is 8:15. He did take about a 20 minute cat nap on the flight to Lubbock, but then was wide awake to greet Nana. He stayed awake until we got to Muleshoe at 2:00 a.m. Hats off to Rylan for being such a great baby and such a trooper!
On Saturday we went to Tyson's 10 year class reunion. We showed up a little late considering Rylan's schedule was thrown off the day before. We visited with everyone, Tyson showed off his boy (he is so proud), and Rylan danced and shared a lollipop with Brynlie (Lynsie & Dustin's oldest daughter). Then we decided to take Rylan to Nana & Papaw for some grandparent love. Next Tyson and I got to enjoy a night out in the big town of Muleshoe, and yes folks we got to party it up until 2:00 am at the Country Club. It was great getting to catch up and visit with everyone, we are really glad we went. Plus Nana & Papaw claim that Rylan was an angel.
The next day we HAD to go to Leal's. Rylan loved his Papaw's guacamole and his Daddy (against Mommy & Nana's wishes) let him dip his chip in the salsa. Big mistake, the first few bites we thought he was going to tolerate the heat, then he must have gotten a hot bite. After Leal's the boys golfed, Nana, Rylan and I went swimming. Later that evening when the boys got home we grilled out and enjoyed a very nice evening underneath the West Texas skies.
We loved seeing long lost friends and Nana & Papaw! Plus the flight home was great, no complications, and our luggage made it back to San Antonio with no problems.
Rylan enjoying the skies.
Way up high.
Our friends we made in Dallas. Notice how Rylan is ready for bed in his PJ's and houseshoes.
They played the entire time.
Brynlie sharing her lollipop with Rylan. TOOOOOOO CUTE!
What boy wouldn't take something sweet from a pretty girl?
Nana & Rylan swimming.
Rylan & Mommy showing Nana our water tricks.
Rylan made himself at home at Nana & Papaw's, you would think he lives there. He found a drawer that he loved in Nana's kitchen.

Three generations of Purdy boys!
Proud Grandparents
Rylan's 4th of July outift.

Daddy & Rylan playing outside.
This is one of my favorite pictures, it captures my boys perfectly, always playing and laughing together.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

All Dressed Up

A few weekends ago, we had Graduation for Tyson's residency program. It was a great
opportunity for us to get all dressed up and to have a date night. On the day of, me and two of the girls from Tyson's class went and got Manicures and Pedicures. It was so nice to get pampered, I haven't done that since Kyra's wedding. Momma came into to town to babysit, or as she calls it to play with her "Angel" (her and Cindy both call him that, we often wonder if they are making it up)!

I will tell you a little bit about the Graduation. It is a formal affair, which is fun for the ladies. The third years who were graduating all got their makeup done, hair done, and bought a long formal gown. A lot the male residents and faculty wear tuxedos. It is so fun to get dressed up like this from time to time. I feel like I am going to the prom, or close to it anyway. This year I went with a knee length black dress, but next year I will also get my hair done and get a long formal gown, since next year my man will be one of the graduates. Once everyone gets there, we all have a nice sit down dinner. Then the graduates' advisors tell about them and give a short little speech. Then all of the graduates go up and give a speech. I have cried the last two years during the graduates' speeches, I can only imagine how much I will cry next year when I know them a lot better. Since the program is so small, it is a very intimate personal evening. I look forward to next year when Tyson is one of the graduates.

Rylan giving Mommy & Daddy some love before they leave.

Tyson and I all dressed up for our night out!

The now third year residents, their last year!

Next year we will celebrate these seven residents and their accomplishment of completing their residency!