This winter weather is beginning to eat at me. I'm wanting to get out more and enjoy some warmer weather. I think my babes are beginning to feel the same way. So I've been asking friends and family, scouring pintrest, and rummaging through the house in hunt of fun indoor activities. Some of these we do often, others were new to us, but all have been fun. The kids have taken to each new idea Mommy has had. They may not sit for an hour and play but a good effort has been put forth by them and me.
Here are some ideas that may can help you and your sweet honey's with cabin fever.
A really cheap thing to do is playdough. Rylan sometimes enjoys it and will play for about 5-10 minutes. Maybe it was that Reesey and I both sat and played with him this time, but it lasted a good 30-45 minutes. I was surprised at how much Reesy loved it too.
Reese 15 months, Rylan 3 1/2, and me for all ages!
I put this together for Rylan. Not so much Reese because I know my girl and she would have just eaten the stickers. GiGi and Great Papa sent these stickers to Rylan for Valentine's. So I got four pieces of paper taped them together, and drew a road on it. Easy cheap fun. Rylan put the stickers all over the road. Next time I think I'm going to see if he would like to draw trees and houses.
This is something we love to do outside but it is still too cold. So why not lock Duncan and Winston up and bring the picnic indoors. This was fun, and Daddy was surprised when he came home to a picnic lunch.
This was another cheap and easy way to have fun with both the babes at the same time (I have a hard time combining their play). I filled up a washtub from Target with pinto beans. Both of the kids loved this, we played for at least 30 minutes, probably more. We buried cars, our hands, our feet. We spooned beans into cups. We measured cups to see which was the fullest and which was the least full. We got old spice jars and filled them up to use as shakers. This was easy and fun, something we will do again.
Another thing we did this last weekend that is always a hit for my babes is the Science Spectrum. We loaded up this last weekend and went to Lubbock. We enjoy all there is to do at the Science Spectrum, especially when Uncle Kolby and Ms. Brittney join us!
If you have other cabin fever ideas please share them with us.