Photography By: Madison Bamert Photography

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Color Run

I said I would never run again when I graduated high school. After being forced to run cross country and track, I was done running for the rest of my life.  In the past three years I have learned to Never Say Never.

After being asked by friends to run in the Color Run Tyson and I said we would. I was nervous, I hadn't ran in ten plus years and I have two babies since then. Needless to say my body isn't in the shape it used to be.  But we agreed and committed to it. We began training (more me than Tyson) and I can proudly say
The fun part was who we ran it with.........Kyra and Brittney.
Tyson, Eric and me.........Kolby isn't in these pictures, he was driving.
Our team before the race.  Minus me, I was taking the picture.
................and after the race. Kolby and Brittney
Kyra and Eric
Eric, Kyra, Me, Tyson, Brittney, and Kolby
Running with my family was so fun and something I was so proud of.
I was proud of them all, but I was really proud of myself.  I ran the whole thing and that was a goal of mine.  I hate to say it, but I'm thinking I would like to do another 5K soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My biggest supporter in training and life. Tyson pushed me, encouraged me and was my partner the entire training and race day. Just another reason I love him so much!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Celebrating Dr. Seuss

Maybe it is the teacher in me, but I just love Dr. Seuss and I have always enjoyed celebrating his birthday. When I taught we celebrated him and his books all month. Now I love that I get to read and recreate some of his books with my own children. Rylan seems to have a love of reading (which I am so grateful for) so he really loved making and doing activities that went along with some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books.
One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
We made a fishbowl full of fish, easiest thing.  I of course found it on pintrest and then realized it is a blog I ealready follow.
Green Eggs and Ham
This was easy and classic. I didn't have ham so toast and strawberries accompanied our green eggs.
Some of you may not like green scrambled eggs (Tyson didn't like the looks of them), so you can always just die boiled eggs. Plus this gave Ry and I a little practice for Easter.
Bartholomew and the Oobleck
We made oobleck, it is easy, and most of the ingredients you probably already have in your pantry.
Rylan played with it maybe 10 minutes. I played with it all day.
The Lorax
This took some thinking from Momma. I found a cute idea on pintrest but never made it to a store that had the supplies needed. So I brainstormed and came up with my own Truffula tree's. 

Our Truffula Tree Method:   Ry cut straws to the height he desired for four Truffula trees. I then let him choose three colors for the trees, he chose green, pink, and purple (I did my best to create those colors using water and food coloring). Then we put four cotton balls in the bowls of colored water, took them out drained them, and placed them on a paper towel to dry out.  I had Ry paint a paper plate. We used the same method from the the fishbowl, cornstarch and food coloring for the blue sky and the green grass. Now once you paint it on you have to move fast, so have all your other supplies ready. I simply let Ry pick the locations of the trees/straws, and then he chose where to put the leaves/cotton balls of the Truffula trees.

I am motivated to try and find more activities to go along with more of our books now. If you have ideas please leave your blog or comments.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

One Special Date

     A little over a year ago, I was pregnant with our Reesey and so excited to have a baby girl join our family. But I was also very sad, nervous, and scared for the change that I was about to put on my baby boy. Please don't get me wrong I was so very excited to have our Reesey, I was just fearful of how my slightly demanding Ry may struggle to adjust. I knew we would have to make a point to show him and his new sister one-on-one attention from both Tyson and I.  Just to let you know my boy adjusted perfectly, his crazy Momma worried for nothing.

     So, now that we have two sweet babies we try and do our best to get that one-on-one in with both of them.  In all honesty sometimes Rylan's behavior tells us when it is time for some one-on-one.  In our efforts to get time alone with both Rylan and Reesey we have found things that Ry enjoys doing with both of us (Reesey not so much yet, she is still little). Rylan has gotten to the age that he loves everything Daddy loves. So with Tyson Rylan goes golfing, they go shoot guns (they tell me they are careful, yikes), they do more of the manly stuff.  With me; we may take a short trip to the store, go eat by ourselves, or like last Friday we have ourselves a date day.  Last Friday when Tyson got off work Rylan and I headed to Clovis, leaving Daddy and Reesey for some afternoon fun of just relaxing.  We left early so we went to eat lunch first at Twin Cronies.  It is an old Drive-In, they still bring the tray out and hang it on your window, I love it and so did Rylan. After that we went to two of our favorite stores Hobby Lobby and Goodwill. You wish you were on this date too huh?  Our biggest goal of our date was a movie. We went and saw Escape From Planet Earth (very cute) and had our popcorn just like Tia instructed us (with Reese's Pieces in it). After our movie my date was a little tired, so he napped on the way home, and I reflected on our day and how much fun it is to spend that special time with my boy.